Transforming Landscapes

Dark Moss is a landscape architecture, urban forestry, and urban planning firm in Tampa, Florida. We specialize in innovative and sensitive site design.

Explore Our Interdiscliplinary Solutions

At Dark Moss, we offer a wide range of services designed to enhance and sustain your outdoor spaces. Our expertise spans landscape architecture, arboricultural services, and land development, ensuring every project is tailored to meet your unique needs.

Landscape Architecture

Our landscape architecture services create stunning, or simple, environments that harmonize with nature. Services include: Site Planning, Landscape and Irrigation Design, Natural Resource Permitting, Construction Administration, Existing Landscape Inspections, and Restoration Plans.

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Expert Consulting Arborists

We provide comprehensive arboricultural services to maintain and enhance tree health, including:
Arborist Reports, Tree Inventories and Disposition Plans, Grand Oak Determinations, Tree Protection Plans and Special Design Techniques, Code Compliance, Tree Equivalency Tables and Grand Tree Mitigation, FDOT Vegetation Management Plans

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Native Urban Planning Compentency

We can navigate complex zoning, planning, and permitting applications, including: Planned Developments & General Development Plans, Master Plans, Special & Conditional Use Applications, Variances, Formal Determinations, Design Exceptions.

Need a Project Arborist Preliminary Consultation?

This service is primarily provided for permitting and construction-related projects or assignments that involve building permitting, variances, special use applications, or rezonings.

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Detailed thoughts related to our practice

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Grand Trees in Tampa

An arborist's musings on Grand Trees.

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Tampa Tree Resources

A collection of useful documents for consulting arborists in Florida

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The New Florida Tree Law 163.045, F.S.

Preemption, private property rights, and trees.